Pam, I'm not usually this sensitive, believe me, but the loss of a younger (and only) sister from lung cancer, when she wasn't a smoker, nor did she live or work around smokers, is kind of a shattering experience. I am also now stuck with caring for an Alzheimer's patient -- my mother -- for who knows how long. I am not asking for a blatant warning -- just that some kind of comment be posted in the WHAM warning thread. Those who don't wish to be warned won't look at it anyway, and I would really appreciate the courtesy. My mother is driving me insane, and she's only been here four days. She has palpitations from nervousness, is afraid for me to leave the room, and asks every two minutes when she is going home -- which she isn't. She kept getting up last night and wandering around the house looking for the way out, which meant that I had to get up several times and take her back to her room. She was up at 5:30, which meant I had to get up at 5:30 as well. I'm dealing with all kinds of legal stuff that I haven't a clue how to handle, her medical situation, and a million other things. The stress is unbelievable. I really need a few minutes distraction during the day, and it just adds more stress when I am afraid to open a story for fear it will turn out to be a deathfic. I honestly don't want to cause any trouble, but it would be awfully nice to have a little reassurance. Is it so unreasonable to request a warning in the WHAM warning thread, especially when it shouldn't spoil it for the others?

I'm sorry if my request prompts a snarky response, rivka. I don't feel that I'm being unreasonable to request something like this. It isn't a demand. I'm not yelling and screaming about the insensitivity of writers who must write deathfics at just this time. That would be asinine, for starters. I'm just asking for a small amount of consideration from other writers during a very difficult time in my life. It would be very much appreciated.


Earth is the insane asylum for the universe.