a few brief words at the end of the post
This is a good idea, Kathy, and would certainly help those authors who don't want to 'spoil' a story in advance. The only drawback to it, would be that it spoils the story before it gets to the Archive and that might be a problem for an author.

Although I would think that anyone reading the warning at the end of a post here on the mbs is unlikely to then read the story on the Archive and probably anyone reading on the Archive isn't likely to have first read it on the mbs. If that makes sense. <g>

Sounds to me like a good compromise.

LabRat smile

Athos: If you'd told us what you were doing, we might have been able to plan this properly.
Aramis: Yes, sorry.
Athos: No, no, by all means, let's keep things suicidal.

The Musketeers