There won't ever - ever be a lengthy continuity of independent Lois Lane stories where Lois is seen moving on after Clark/Superman has died.
I agree that this is unlikely to happen, in any corner of the "Superman" fandom.
But it wouldn't surprise me in the slightest if we are eventually going to be treated to years and years of Superman stories where Lois is dead or gone and Clark goes on with his life anyway. Where he goes on with his life without sparing many thoughts for Lois, I might add.
I don't know about in the comics world, or even in what will happen in the movies, although I would think that even if Lois were in fact killed off permanently, I don't know that that Clark would only grieve for a short time before moving on. I can't say that it wouldn't happen, but I don't necessarily believe that that would be the case.

But I definitely don't see it happening in FoLCdom. We love the thought of the two of them together, no matter how much angst we may put them through in order to achieve that end result. No matter how many - or how few - deathfics are written here, I'm convinced that they will always be vastly overwhelmed by the number of stories with them together, as they should be.

To get back to the subject of warnings, even though I personally don't need to be warned before reading a story, I have absolutely no objections to any kind of a warning that an author chooses to give. That being said, I admit that I'm still a little behind on some of the stories being posted lately. I can think of three deathfics that have been posted since the big thread on the subject, and all of them have some kind of warning at the beginning of the story, although they didn't always use the word deathfic.

I understand that some authors don't want to give out a major spoiler at the beginning of their stories. So I'd like to reiterate the suggestion that others have made about giving a WHAM warning at the beginning, and then giving more details at the end. Even just the words "deathfic - XXXXX dies" at the end of a file would probably be enough.

I know that we don't want to make warnings a requirement of this fandom, like it is in others. But since it has become a pretty-much established tradition to post some kind of WHAM warning, is it unreasonable to ask that the words "deathfic of XXXX" appear somewhere where they can be easily found?


"Our thoughts form the universe. They always matter." - Babylon 5