And we have a Lois and Clark fandom, where it has become increasingly popular to kill Lois. The only possible reason for this that I can imagine is that not only Superman fans in general, but also LnC fans in general, care less about Lois than they care about Clark.
I imagine it's probably more because it's a darn sight easier to kill a human like Lois than it is to kill someone invulnerable like Clark! goofy

On the subject of the tendency to kill off Lois rather than Clark, (such as I believe in it. I tend to think there are actually quite a few stories on the Archive where the opposite is true) there is actually precedence in the show for this. It's practically canon. laugh

In STG...Myrtle Beech deliberately picks Lois as her target to kill, not Clark, because she believes that of the two, Clark will suffer more from Lois dying than vice versa:

Voyle: I think it was a stroke of genius making her the target, Myrtle. Whatever made you think of that?

Myrtle: Something you said actually...that Lois doesn't seem to suffer as much as Clark. Or at least not as well. I think you said a lifetime of misery'd wear better on Clark.
I think there is sometimes a general notion that if Clark was to die Lois would grieve deeply, but she'd eventually get on with her life (you see that in plenty of stories where Clark dies or doesn't return from New Krypton), remarry or whatever. But Clark is often seen as having his life come to a complete halt and not being able to move on if Lois dies.

And if you accept that premise, then it's naturally going to achieve more angst, more emotive resonance, if you kill Lois.

Either way, one thing I have learned over the years is that making assumptions about the motivations of authors usually only leads to one thing - being wrong. wink Like any group of individuals their reasons are usually varied and many and can't seriously be boiled down to generalisations.

LabRat smile

Athos: If you'd told us what you were doing, we might have been able to plan this properly.
Aramis: Yes, sorry.
Athos: No, no, by all means, let's keep things suicidal.

The Musketeers