Is it possible that authors could put a warning in the story just beforehand (as a header note at the start of the part)
This solution has the same problem as any other warning in the story, Sue. Some authors simply don't want to telegraph a 'surprise' ending or that the story is deathfic in advance.

It is entirely possible to warn that an upcoming story is deathfic, however, without spoiling the story. All the author has to do is use the WHAM Warning thread, stickied at the top of the fanfic folder. This is the best way we can find to suit all parties.

The WHAM warning thread does provide the means for an author to warn readers that a story is deathfic and enables readers to avoid that if they choose, without spoiling the 'surprise' when the story is actually posted. Those who don't care whether a story is deathfic or not, won't read the WHAM Warning thread and so won't be spoiled. Those who do care and don't want to read deathfic, can read the WHAM Warning thread and will be duly warned to avoid the story when it's posted.

So it may be a nice courtesy and gesture on an author's part to use it. I think most authors forget it's there to be honest.

However, at the end of the day, it has always been the policy of this forum that warnings of any kind are entirely the author's choice. And so any use of the WHAM warning thread definitely would be nothing more than a courtesy and not something mandatory.

LabRat smile

Athos: If you'd told us what you were doing, we might have been able to plan this properly.
Aramis: Yes, sorry.
Athos: No, no, by all means, let's keep things suicidal.

The Musketeers