I just wanted to post a request.

As many of you know, I lost my sister in December. Then, after the story by Catherine, there was this long discussion about deathfics. I guess the consensus was that we don't need to be warned, but it's getting so I'm afraid to open any stories at this point for fear it will be a deathfic. Death may be a part of life, but I've had my fill of it for a long time to come. I'm still dealing with the results of my sister's death, including the fact that my mother, who has Alzheimers, and handicapped brother are moving in next week. I need something to take my mind off of everything for a little while every day, and I'm deathly afraid to open new stories because several of them have turned out to be exactly what I am desperately trying to avoid.

Please, please post some kind of warning. It may give a writer a warm feeling to spring something like this on the unsuspecting reader, but at the moment it's tearing me apart.


Earth is the insane asylum for the universe.