It wasn't. It was the gfic version that was eligible for the Kerths. Any story in the fandom which has an nfic and a gfic version, and which fulfills the Kerth criteria of being posted within the eligibility period, is eligible for both the nKerths and Kerths.
Uhh. that didn't compute. Of course only the gfic could be eligible for the kerths? And in your preface I got the impression that it was an nfic originally. But it did win numerous awards as an nfic so perhaps people thought unfair if it would sweep the gfic too, (Or I could have no idea what I’m talking about. dizzy )

There is the search data (which will eventually be come a searchable database). It's not the ideal, but it's a temporary solution and it will let you do a global search for various story criteria, such as all stories on the Archive set in S1 or all Tearjerker stories, etc.
Wow, cat wish I had known about this one a six months ago. Only to sort stories by size makes easier to find things by a magnitude of ten.

I do know you, and I know you wouldn't lie... at least to me...most of the time...