To the best of my knowledge, Zoomway hasn't ever written nfic - I seem to remember seeing her comment once that she just couldn't do it. It's not as easy as it might look.
I remember Zoomway writing on some nfic round robins (rr's); a whole group used to write them together online. I think the rr's are most likely to have been archived at annesplace in the nfic section smile

I don't think I've ever heard Zoomway say that she couldn't write nfic, but I'll agree with Wendy, that writing nfic (or any fic for that matter wink ) well is harder than it loooks. thumbsup

There's an old quote, attributed variously to Edwin Keane, Edwin Booth, Edmund Gwen, and at least 7 or 8 other people in the entertainment industry, that says, "Dying is easy, comedy is hard." I know that they're speaking about acting, rather than writing, so I'll paraphrase the last part of their statement with "writing entertaining comedy fanfic is hard." Zoomway's fics have always impressed me as being up to that challenge smile I especially like her funny dialog, because it's so much like the clever dialog that initially attracted me to the show

Have fun reading the stories in the archive, Arawn; there's some great fic writing there wave
