1.There is a author named "the Gorn" at Annes place that writes some truly outstanding L&C. Do anyone know if she has written any regular fics?
The Gorn gave up the fandom and writing a long, long time ago. She had issues with the direction the show took in its latter seasons. A great loss to the fandom, I'll agree. She wrote some of my favourite ever nfic. All of the nfic she did write - including a half-written one that was never finished - are at Annesplace, far as I know.

2. Eventually I learned that Burnout was an nfic so it's lack of a Kerth flag stopped to amaze me.
LOL! Thanks. smile If I had a pound for every time someone said to me "I really wanted to nominate Burnout in the Kerths, but I couldn't work out a category that it fitted in" I'd....have £3,476.23 laugh

I don't know why it happened that way, but it just seemed to give people problems working it in. Over the years, I've found it kind of ironic, considering it's the story I get the most positive fdk for and the most pestering for a sequel. goofy

Seriously, the voting committee must have lost the story or their brains most have been taken over by aliens or something...
Generally speaking though, this is one of the curses of our fandom. We have so many high quality, Kerth-worthy stories posted each year that sheer pressure of numbers ensures that some excellent stories don't even make it to the nominations let alone win a Kerth. We suffer for our high standards, unfortunately, and dozens of stories slip through the net each year which would win Kerths in almost any other fandom which has less stories to choose from or fewer A-class stories.

That's why I don't think the Kerths - nominations or winners - lists are necessarily the best place to go for a starting point to the best fanfic in this fandom. It would be a good starting point in some other fandoms. But here, you'd miss out on a heck of a lot of wonderful stories if you took the Kerths as being the only measure of excellence. Seriously - we're just that good. laugh

Oh, and we don't have a voting committee. K-Comm tallies up the votes received, but stories are voted on by FoLCs.

LabRat smile

Athos: If you'd told us what you were doing, we might have been able to plan this properly.
Aramis: Yes, sorry.
Athos: No, no, by all means, let's keep things suicidal.

The Musketeers