Re the indexes:
I don’t think so, but they seem popular, since I get an error that says they have exceeded their data transfer limit.
Hmmm. both work fine for me. I tried them before I posted the url. Is there something on your end?
Annesplace uses the term Archive, but the one we're talking about is different. That is the biggest amount of fanfic there is. Right now there are 2,723 stories there (all G rated), some of them novel length. If you've read all that, there's not much more you can get except read real time here and on Zoomway's site.
[Linked Image]
As to registering on different nfic sites, there is no choice if you want to read nfic. They have to be password protected or we can't have them. My browser software remembers my passwords, so it's no inconvenience.
There are individual authors sites too, (which is where I got started), but most of their fiction is on the Archive too. There's a Lois and Clark webring (just google "Lois and Clark"), but again most of the fanfiction winds up where we've pointed.

History is easy once you've lived it. - Duncan MacLeod
Writing history is easy once you've lived it. - Artemis