
I'd have to say that I'm not in favour of an automatic update to the archive.

However, I do feel that perhaps a post on the final fdk section of a story on the MBs, reminding a writer that the archive does exist and that many people prefer to read once a story is completed, is a good idea.

I also think that our fanfic archive is special because of the GE system and would be against seeing that disappear.

To tell the truth, I don't think that the lack of stories being submitted to the archive has much to do with writers being unaware that the archive exits, but more that there are fewer stories being written. This might be for a number of reasons. I know that I have less computer time than I did when I first started writing L&C fics.

Perhaps the time has come for the archive to only be updated every second week. Though if those missing stories are submitted, then the problem could disappear.

Just my two pence worth.
Yours Jenni