I archive all my stories. Even the silly challenge responses. (I once had one removed, but it was a really silly thing so the Archive is better off without it laugh )

Last month, I finished posting a long fic, The Walls Between Us. I haven't gotten to the process of getting it ready for the Archive yet, though, because I'm not very satisfied with it. I want to tweak some things here and there and I'm also considering deleting some things altogether, but this is a very time-consuming task I wasn't in the mood for lately.

Automatic archiving doesn't sound like a good idea to me either. I do believe that all stories should be submitted to the Archive, but at least give the writer some time to process them. They might have come across a major plothole that needs fixing, or something in equal need of editing.

Will be following this thread.
See ya,

What we've got here is failure to communicate...