Well, chiming in as someone who archives almost all her fics but, this year, has two unarchived stories...

Yes, in the main I believe that all stories should be sent to the Archive. And it's normally immediate for me: finish story, submit it. The two I didn't send this year are stories I consider out of the ordinary. I have personal reasons for not submitting one of them. The other is the tongue-in-cheek story I wrote about CC after the posting of In A Better Place: Revenge of the Muses. After a discussion in the fanfic folder, I decided that I would submit it to the Archive, with an explanation, but only after IABP had been uploaded.

Which leads to a question... CC, why isn't IABP on the Archive yet??? wildguy

The other story, which I said hasn't been submitted for personal reasons, is Saying Goodbye - given the circumstances in which that was written, I didn't feel comfortable submitting it.

Over the years, the only other stories I can remember not submitting were cameo fics or other silly fics written in response to challenges - there was the Irish one for Sara a few years ago, a haircut story, several plot untwists and other similar types of story. It never occurred to me that those were suitable for the Archive or that anyone would be interested in them. smile

Anyway, yes, it seems that there are a number of stories so far this year which need to be submitted... time to chase up the authors! wildguy

Wendy smile

Just a fly-by! *waves*