I think it may well be a reduced number of stories being written. A fair number of authors seem to have moved on to other fandoms, or at least to be splitting their attention between fandoms. And the list of new authors coming into the fandom is, I believe, getting smaller.

If that's the case, then maybe not updating every week is the way to go. It wouldn't be the first time. If you go by date, you can see that, back in the early days, updates were rather spotty. Sept '96, for example, had only 4 stories uploaded for the entire month, and there was no update between October 15 and November 11 of that year, either. February of '97 saw three stories in a single update, and no more.

Of course, that predates the GE system, and you can also see that there were times when huge batch uploads were followed by dry spells. April '97 being a good example. Seven stories on the first, three more on the fifth, and then nothing until a huge upload at the beginning of May.

Anyway... Reminding authors isn't a bad idea. I don't like the automatic idea, though. I do try to send in even throwaway fics (usually), but some need more work and editing before they're archive-worthy. I prefer being in control of what gets sent in, and to get it polished and ready myself.

(Note, BTW, that with the fundraiser coming up, there are a good number of stories currently being written which won't be publically posted for over a year... I know I'm working on one. It's turning fairly long by my standards, too. It's already nearly halfway to the mid-length barrier! wink So, expect something of a drought for the next couple months. It's only temporary and not really what you're talking about, but my point is that things will artificially look worse than they are for a while.)

Oh... poll thought. How about one to find out about FoLCs' awareness of the archive?

Do you archive your stories?
1. Of course!
2. Usually...
3. No, I don't think my stories aren't good enough for that.
4. No, your GEs frighten me with their helpfulness and gramatical knowledge.
5. Archive? What's that?
6. No, I don't write.
7. Other

Or something like that. Might be interesting to find out how much of a problem non-awareness really is, and maybe see if there are other reasons people aren't submitting.

I guess what I'm saying is that we should find out first what's causing the decline of submissions. If people not knowing about the archive really is a significant contributor, then sure, post an invitation/reminder in the comments thread for the last part. It'd help motivate people and raise awareness, if you're willing to put in the time. If the major reason, though, is that there just aren't as many stories being written these days (the show has been off the air for almost a decade...), then maybe it's time to consider updating every other week, or even monthly.


When in doubt, think about penguins. It probably won't help, but at least it'll be fun.