I'm not sure there is a problem.

Writers of longer stories may hold back for some time as they re-edit their stories, taking into account comments received during the posting process on the mbs as well as their own second thoughts on writing style, plot, characterization, etc. I know that I did that. smile Also, it takes time for a GE to edit a story, and, speaking from my own experience, my GE's critique definitely improved my stories. (hi, Jeanne:) ) So that a story is not yet on the archive doesn't mean it won't be there.

Also, I'm wondering if the minimal feedback that many of us recieve once we do post to the archive makes the effort of posting not seem all that worthwhile.

Finally, I do believe that the decision to post to the archive is very much an individual writer's decision, and that we, as a group, must respect the decision of a writer to delay or hold back a story. For us, as a group, to interfer with that private decision, seems, to me, a tad... well... disrespectful.

That's not to say, though, that i don't look forward to seeing some stories ultimately posted on the archive smile
