Hazel, such venom while spouting half-truths.

Cindy, are you implying that submitting a story under a pseudonym is a deliberate attempt at havoc? Even Tempus would find that a little too ironic, coming from "Ann N."
I never submitted any stories to contests under "Ann Nonymous." I posted one or two on this board with that moniker because I knew the stories wouldn't be read if people knew who the author was. Seemed like a shame to spend 6 months on a story to have nobody read it. Looks like it worked. I also freely admit to my identity - I'm not all that anonymous at all. wink

Your motivations, though...
It's simple: I wrote a specific story for the Merriweathers because WAFFs aren't my thing, and I couldn't participate otherwise.
So, because WAFFs "aren't your thing," you need a new identity? Doesn't make much sense.

And since the Merriweathers have emphasized that anonymity is the key to fair judging, I fail to see the problem with that
What they said is that their gatekepper strips the stories of identifiers - headers, names, attributions, then sends them to the judges to be judged anonymously. So, see, if you connect the dots, an anonymous submission shouldn't be needed since the judges wouldn't know who submitted the story in the first place. Why submit anonymously, then? And why submit one story under a pseudonym and one under your real name? Call me suspicious, but I don't see the point...unless you had other motives.

I think, in the name of fairness, that it may be time for a little full disclosure from the Merriweather Committee. I know I've requested this from the KComm, so it only seems fair to request it from the MComm as well: how about a full disclosure of stories submitted and scores received? I bet that would clear this whole thing right up. A girl can dream.


To thine own self be true.