Hi everyone,

I'm coming out of lurkdom here to post my score which was 263, and being a 'canny Scott' I did check the additions. wink

This in no way implies I mistrusted the M-Comm, I just have a bad habit of double checking practically everything.

I thought I'd let everyone know that I do not intend to post the judges comments on my story. This is not a new decision. I never intended to post.

I've always taken the view that the judges comments were a private matter for me alone. Some nice compliments, much appreciated encouragement and some well deserved constructive critism which I hope will help me to become a better writer.

However, my decision not to post should not be taken as a critisim of those who have already posted their scoresheets -- each to their own. smile

I really believe that enough has been said about these awards and I have no intention to adding to these discussions.

I'd like to take this opportunity to thank the judges for their hard work and everyone who posted kind words about my story.

I do hope that in the future good will might prevail and the Merriweathers will go forward to earn their right to exist, not in competition to the Kerths, but alongside them as another high point in our folcdom.

Yours Jenni