It has come to the attention of the Merriweather Committee that “Sunrise, Sunset” was incorrectly awarded the Honorable Mention award. This was a reporting error, not a scoring error. We would have posted the retraction sooner but the error was buried on page 53 between the obits and the auction notices. We are red-faced over the mistake but will take our lumps like adults. We admit that we should have caught this before Katrina released the list of winners and will be a lot more careful in the future.

We apologize for the confusion. The correct winner of the Honorable Mention is Laura Davies!

We thank you for your patience as we go through our growing pains. We have considered some of the suggestions forwarded to Katrina and will be implementing some changes before the next category is announced.

Speaking of categories: we are currently in the process of deciding what should be offered next. We’re sure many of you have favorite categories that you would like see offered immediately if not sooner. The Merriweather Committee is open to suggestions regarding any category you would like to enter. Perhaps someone would be willing to start a thread on this board for Merriweather category suggestions.

We admit our goof and again, congratulations to Laura on her Honorable Mention award!

The Merriweather Committee