I plead work, a choir rehearsal and watching a fascinating program about Brian Wilson (of Beach Boys fame) in defence of my tardiness. In consequence, I just didn't see this thread until today. A thread which I love, btw, because I get to see who's BRing for who <g>.

This year, I've had the pleasure of discovering new BR talents as well as continuing with my multi-talented BR-in-Chief, Wendy.

CCAiken Wow. She's fast, she's got a brilliant sense of humour, and she's a one-woman ideas factory. It's probably safe to say that my current WIP would still be a bunch of messy notes and literary dead-ends if she hadn't responded to my hesitant plea for help. She clicked into the story straight away and offered a ton of fantastic ideas, and now that I'm sending her story parts, she's giving me lots of encouragement and still feeding me those great ideas. Thanks, CC!

Lynn Another great ideas woman. In fact, at one point, I was tempted to sit back and let CC and Lynn write my current WIP for me <g>. Also, as a fellow Clark-lover, I feel she understands me very well. We like to give him hell, we like to shake things up a bit, and we definitely don't like to be conventional - she's a great co-conspirator.

Wendy Well, what can I say that I haven't said many times before? Quite simply, I don't feel my stories have been properly prepared for public consumption unless they've been through the Wendy wash-cycle <g> Then they're all sparkly and squeaky clean and safe enough to read without donning protective gloves and dark goggles.

Okay, Wendy would dispute the squeaky clean bit after reading the latest part of my current WIP, but you know what I mean, I'm sure <g>.

My memory is awful, leaving me with the distinct feeling that I've missed people out, so if you fall into that category, feel free to humiliate me by identifying yourselves. You can be sure I appreciated you at the time, whoever you are.

Yvonne smile