Hopefully better a bit late than never at all...

Labrat, on whose doorstep I fell when I stumbled cluelessly into this fandom. With her encouragment, and very patient step by step instruction- right down to showing me where to break my story into seperate parts- I posted to the boards. It was the third fic I had written, but the first time I'd ever done so here. And I wouldn't have without Lab.

She didn't know it, but that pretty much cemented her in as my Magic Feather. I don't jump off the high dive without her. Also, I've gotten so much less considerate over time. Generally, Lab sees my WIPS only when I am ready to adandon them in disgust and I want them fixed! I want Lois to stop just sitting there! I want a villain I can build a plot around!! I need a way to hide Tempus so my heroes aren't clueless for not finding him!!

And if that wasn't enough, Lab finds my really stupid things. The ones I don't notice for all my worrying over why Lois hasn't moved from her spot in ages.

Thank you seems really inadequate for all the invaluable instruction. But thank you, Lab.

And Lynnm is my perfect Beta Foil. Two women who can't agree on an episode of Smallville, but who BR for one another fairly nicely. I mean, she has that Clark Kent hang-up, while I tend to crush on Superman. She scowls at S1 Lois, while I find her perfectly reasonable. Therefore, Lynn offers me a viewpoint that I'd never come up with on my own, one that is smart and fun and well argued. In doing so, she has enhanced my storytelling. I'm really grateful.

SQD did me a wonderful service by coaxing me through my last epic. By looking it over in its earliest stages and giving me the reader's pov. She was also dead right, and so when I ignored her warnings about the ending, I paid the price! A price which Liz helped me work out most graciously.

Sherry has been an excellent behind the scenes reader, who isn't afraid to tell me like it is. Jude and Ray have sent me such thoughtful and thorough comments, they need to be mentioned here for their generous contributions. (I still owe you, Ray. Haven't forgotten.)

And the readers who have given me such great feedback all along. So thought provoking and really fun. They've made me a better writer. (Not that I haven't done my share of grumbling over it...)

A big, fat thank you to all of the above. I can't say well enough how much I appreciate it. I'm learning. And I hope I'm improving. But most of all, I'm really, really enjoying myself here!


You mean we're supposed to have lives?

Oh crap!
