I'm back, and it's my turn. smile

First, I'd like to agree with Carol; the readers on these boards are wonderful additional beta-readers. Many times over the past year I've made additions to stories, corrected errors or plot glitches or remembered to deal with a thread I'd left dangling because readers on the boards had pointed things out or made really interesting, fascinating posts. So thank you, guys - you are terrific! goofy Thank you!!

To Elena, who before RL got in the way was a huge help to me. El, your comments are witty, incisive and incredibly helpful; I also had to learn not to read them when I was drinking. clap

And to my two chief beta-readers, Yvonne and Kaethel. I simply couldn't write without you. You reassure me about stories I have massive doubts about; you make invaluable suggestions; you laugh at weak jokes; you nag for more; you send files back promptly and with lots of helpful suggestions, comments, corrections and asides which leave me giggling. laugh Even though you sometimes have diametrically opposing views as to the usefulness of passages of introspection or some dialogue wink - I would be lost without you.

And the best thing is that my beta-readers are also pretty wonderful friends too.

So thank you all so very much indeed. You are amazing people. I'd feel as if I were lost in a dark forest if I were writing without your help. notworthy

Just a fly-by! *waves*