Thanks back to you, Sara smile You have no idea how much you helped me on WAM! Your sheer enthusiasm about reading it kept me on track, especially when I was desperately losing momentum and I needed all the nudges I could get =p And I think you bring new meaning to the words, "Fast response time." =)

I don't have any other 'official' beta readers, but thanks to all the folks on the boards who posted comments on my story, and to the folks in IRC who helped me with some last minute edits, especially Wendy, Pam, Bethy, and Roger smile Hope I didn't miss a name!

And even though I know they won't see it here since they're not really L&C fans as far as community participation goes (yet!!!) -- thanks to my RL friends Nick, Jay, and Gary, who help me edit as well smile

Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
The courage to change the things I can,
And the wisdom to know the difference.