Over the years I've been the privileged recipient of a whole passel of betas, all of whom have made the whole writing process entertaining, challenging, utterly frustrating laugh (when they got in the way of Lazy Writer Not Wanting To Work Syndrome) and educational. Not to mention so much fun.

This year in particular I have to give thanks to Wendy - who taught me to loathe comma splices goofy and who unfailingly ignored me completely whenever I said, "Absolutely no rush on this one!" and got the segment back to me in record time, even when she was in the middle of RL chaos.

And most especially to Lynn. What would I do without her eagle eye, her suggestions, her ideas, her humour, her enthusiastic pompom waving and her ability to see something interesting and worthwhile in WIPs I've long since given up on. laugh

I know I'd be a lot poorer without beta input!

Thanks, guys. You're the best. thumbsup

And, as a sidebar, three hearty cheers (and a whole lot more) for our wonderful Archive editors, who work so hard throughout the year to polish up those stories.

And to the terrific community of readers we have here, who are so welcoming, encouraging and just plain fun to hang out with and present stories to. Your comments and suggestions have had me thinking and laughing and pondering and I'm a much better writer for it. smile

LabRat smile

Athos: If you'd told us what you were doing, we might have been able to plan this properly.
Aramis: Yes, sorry.
Athos: No, no, by all means, let's keep things suicidal.

The Musketeers