I would like to say thankyou and give a big hug to Julie Stars! laugh

Looking at the stuff she's been beta-ing for me and comparing it to my unbetaed WIPs and stories, I can't help but notice an *amazing* difference. Her comments and suggestions leave my WIPs looking all polished and sparkly, so much so that I almost have the guts to post them wink

Would I even dream of posting something longer than a vignette without passing it under Julie's skilled eye first? Outside of OSY, no.

From "comma goes here" notes to full-fledged brainstorming sessions, having such a wonderful Beta is a God-Sent (even though I must surely annoy her at times blush ).

So Julie, here is yet another "BEST BETA EVER!" Award. dance
Thanks for being my Beta-Reader. smile

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to run away before people start asking exactly *what* we've been working on. peep
