To someone that has BRed and GEed several stories for me: LabRat. Thanks a lot for your patience. I know I can be pretty annoying <G>
ROTFL! No way; you were a pussycat. laugh

Besides, as we GEs always like to say - we'd much, much rather GE for an author who cares enough for their story that they want to make sure that every detail is right, than for one who doesn't care at all. smile

And let's not forget LabRat, who very graciously agreed to BR my first story; even though I sent it to her out of the blue, without asking nicely first. Still can't believe I did that! My only defense is that at that time I hadn't a clue how important a lady in this Fandom she actually is!
rotflol Important? /me chokes on her Pepsi. Now, Ursie, let's not get carried away here. <g> And I'm mighty glad you did do it! Anytime. smile

LabRat smile (who doesn't remember not being asked nicely at all...)

Athos: If you'd told us what you were doing, we might have been able to plan this properly.
Aramis: Yes, sorry.
Athos: No, no, by all means, let's keep things suicidal.

The Musketeers