I've only been on the fandom a few months, but even in that short amount of time, I've had some incredible people look over my stories for me. All of my fics would be drastically, drastically worse if it weren't for the betas I've been priviliged to work with.

Kaethel, you received an embarrassingly over-eager email from me, a complete greenhorn one day, took me under your wing, improved my story, got me registered both on the message boards and IRC, became one of my most valued friends, and generally made me more grateful to you than I'll ever be able to put into words... although you'll probably keep insisting that I can goofy Thank you a million times -- and apologies for all the times you had to type [repetition] <g>

Wendy, you've helped me out more times than I can count, even on the stories that you didn't beta... thank you so, so much for all the times you got me out of those holes I tend to write/talk myself into, even without me asking you to, and most of all, for all the times you corrected me on those asinine Irish colloquialisms that tend to pop into my speech/writing every now and again blush Go raibh míle, míle maith agat, mo chara wink

LabRat, words can't express how valuable you are, both as a friend and as a beta... wow. I mean... just wow. Your emails never fail to make me go rotflol and your clear head has gotten me out of a heck of a lot of problems... more recently, convincing me to finally start posting <g> I feel so guilty for all the times you had to type [change dash to comma]... and I'll never forget that comment you made on a particular section of Unfinished Business, that's actually in the story now :p

Nqoire, despite the trouble we had with our ISPs grumble the email finally came through, and you've been amazing. Thanks so much for your unflagging support, nagging, screams of pain, and idle threats... you're the best wink

Mom, you saved my hide on a recent story of mine... thank you so, so much for being so supportive and caring <g>

Also, a big thank you to the GE's - as a group, but especially to Erin, Lynn and Tricia - for all the hard work they put in, getting stories ready for the Archive.

And, as LabRat said... thanks to the 'gamma-readers' who are as much a part of the creative process as anybody. You guys are gems -- all of you!


Death: Easy, Bill. You'll give yourself a heart attack and ruin my vacation.

Meet Joe Black