Well, my super secret myster beta reader knows how much I appreciate that person by the way in which I zealously guard and protect their identity. Thus saving them from the embarrassment and derision they would be subject to for beta reading one of my efforts.

Gramatically I'm hopeless (I like to make the same mistakes over and over and over), but I also appreciate those cute little comments like "This doesn't make any sense" and "This isn't even close to being in character".

But I mostly like the encouragement that my beta provides. A writer just can't get enough of "This doesn't stink too bad."

So for all those things, and more (because I'm very forgetfull) I thank my super-secret mystery beta reader.

Tank (who likes to lull his beta into a false sense of peace and tranquility by retiring from writing so they think they can forgo having to deal with his stories, then cross them up with a new fic when they least expect it)