Being as the muse is still vacationing in parts unknown, I will use this forum to thank my wonderful beta-readers as well.

First off, I would not have written so many fics if it hadn't been for Jenni Debbage. She's inspired me to write many things I never thought I would. And she's fixed everything else! Jenni has also become a very good friend over the last couple of years. I'd be lost without her! Thanks, Jenni.

At one point Jenni had trouble keeping up with how fast I was writing. Avia gladly stepped in to help out. She's very detail oriented and I've had to rewrite a great deal of text when she nagged me in a different direction. Thanks, Avia. It's what was needed!

Another beta that's helped me out a few times is Sw(sorry, that's the only thing I know her by). She's read over several fics and pointed out little details for me that I've missed. Thanks, Sw.

And thanks to anyone else who's helped me along the way. Carol and Laurie, who are currently helping out with a project, have been wonderful! Also, thanks to anyone who agrees to tackle this job. It proves their passion for fanfic. Without you beta-readers we'd be lost! thumbsup