When I realized what a BR is for, I was stunned. 'Hey, look at that! People that voluntarily edit stories! Wow!' And it was an even bigger surprise when I discovered how good they all were at their job and how much of a help for the writers (especially those who are non-native English speakers like me).

So, here go my thankies:

To the first BR I worked with: Anni the Diva.
Your help with vocabulary and grammar as well as your willingness (is there such a word? <G>) to help me has been incredibly useful. Thank you!

To the most patient and willing BR I've worked with: Carole.
Do you know how many times has this happened?
Anna: I just finished a fic, and I'll post it as soon as I find someone to BR it.
Carole: Send it over!

Or, how about this?
Carole: I saw you posted that without having it BRed, so I BRed it for you.
Isn't she amazing?
Thanks a lot, Carole!

To someone that has BRed and GEed several stories for me: LabRat.
Thanks a lot for your patience. I know I can be pretty annoying <G>

To someone who isn't seeing this thread right now: LoisLaneWannaBe.
I hope everything works well for you in college.
And I hope you know how thankful I am to you.

Also, to everyone else I have worked with:
BRs: Elena, Bella, Kaylle, and of course Raquel, my big Brazilian sister smile
GEs: Paul (a guy who had the misfortune of meeting me when my English was way weaker than it is now... it must have been a horrible experience...), Tricia, Lynn and Erin.

Y, finalmente, muchas gracias a José, que me ya ha ayudado con una historieta y... me ayudará en el futuro también laugh . Lo siento, José, pero voy a escribir más en español. (Como si escribir en inglés no fuera bastante... goofy ) Eso es tu regalo por decirme que mi español es muy bueno laugh

So, thank you everyone, for your help and your support.
If I've forgotten anyone, I'm terribly sorry.

See ya!

What we've got here is failure to communicate...