Karen's post prompted me to check the nfic folder (or whatever <g>) that parallels this one. Should have done that before making my earlier posts, of course. smile

Now I'm really confused about what people mean when they use 'mature' or 'adult' in the context of this thread. Based on what I've just read in the other folder, I'm thinking that people don't mean that the story *theme* is necessarily adult or mature, but that it could be any theme that is handled in such a way as to include sexually expicit scenes, or graphic violence, or "colourful" language. Thus the range of themes in the folder formerly known as "nfic" is no different than what exists in the Archive.

I also see from the examples used in the nfic thread that as a GE I've let things through that appear to be nfic. Oops. smile

So how about this? "The 18+" folder:
For any story that includes explicit sexual content, graphic violence, and /or coarse language (colourful colloquialisms?) This is similar to something Karen posted in the other thread, I think.

I'm not sure it really will make much difference if the folder title is changed but I do agree that the 'n' is a tad coy. I can also understand that writers who want to post in nfic might feel they are misleading readers when they don't deliver the expected ***** (censored my phrase here <g>) in most of their story posts.
