Honestly, it would be nice to change the name, but I really can't think of anything that would suit it any better. I really haven't seen much non-sexual beyond PG-13 fic. However, Nfic...when I think about it as 'naughty' fic...I don't know, personally it's a little over the top for me. Even though the nfic portions don't add anything to the story for me, I've never really seen them as naughty or anything. It's just another type of writing to me. I read 'em once in a blue moon. So I don't know. It would really amuse me for some reason if we changed the name to mfic (M for mature). Don't mind me though. It's midnight, the time of night where everything becomes amusing to me. Nfic is such a veteran name for me, even if I don't always think it accurately describes the genre.


"Meg...who let you back in the house?" -Family Guy