Aha! I know that one. laugh "A Triangle Built for Two" by Ann McBride.

Here's the new cluechie:
Clark slowly dragged himself up on one elbow, wincing the whole time. "Tha...
over there... Krypt...ite," he mumbled.

Jimmy swung around, then saw for the first time a green glow coming from the
corner. So that was Kryptonite! He'd heard of it, of course, but never actually
seen it before. He wondered briefly what a tiny group of neo-Nazis were doing
with Kryptonite, but then told himself that it was clearly insurance against
Superman turning up to help his friend. The real question was, he told himself,
how they'd got hold of it in the first place.

But that wasn't the important issue right now. *That* was getting Clark out of
here in one piece. And that wasn't going to be easy, but they would manage it.
There was no way that Jimmy would leave Clark here - he didn't even want to take
the risk of leaving the house and calling the police from his cellphone. If
those crazies upstairs knew that their hideout had been discovered, they would
more than likely kill Clark before he could be rescued.

The Kryptonite was clearly causing Clark some pain, so Jimmy needed to find a
way of dealing with it. If only...

Wait a minute!

Kryptonite was hurting *Clark*?

Then... that meant...

Jimmy turned back to study his friend and former colleague, who had collapsed
back on the ground. Bending, he carefully removed Clark's shattered glasses, and
studied his friend's face.

CK was Superman.
Hey, no one said we were limited to Lois's revelations. <g>

Jill goofy

Beaker: Special Talents: Scientific assistant, Victim
Last Book Read: "1001 Meeps to a Bigger Vocabulary"
Quote: "Meep! Meep! Meep!"
Never Leaves Home Without: Medical Coverage