Aaah, I know this one! It's Pam's great take on an episode from the Argh: Forget Me Not, Redux, by Pam Jernigan.

All right, here's a new cluechie:

Clark took a deep breath. Of all the things he'd faced in his life- from moving out of Kansas to swallowing high explosives- this was the hardest. "I'm Superman."


"I'm Superman. I've been running away from our conversations to go fly around and save people's lives."

Lois had been prepared for just about anything- or so she thought. A fear of intimacy, panic attacks, a secret marriage- all sorts of possibilities had gone through her head, but this... it was worse than she thought. It was clear that he meant what he was saying. She couldn't remember him ever sounding so serious. Still, she had thought she'd known him better than that. To have worked with him so long and not realized... "Clark, I don't know what to say. I'm not good at these things...."

"What? You're supposed to have experience with people telling you they're secretly superheroes?"

"No, I mean with approaching people with mental problems."

"Mental problems?"

"Clark, you're delusional."

"You... think I'm..." Clark tried to absorb Lois' attitude. He supposed he should have expected it, but, well, he hadn't. So, he was going to have to prove to Lois that he knew what he was talking about.

"You see? I told you I wasn't good at these things. Look how badly I'm handling this. I guess confronting you directly with your delusion wasn't the right way, but you know me- just cut right to the chase. No beating around the bush with me. No, I just have to-"

"Lois?" Clark interjected Lois' babble before she could get too wound up in avoiding the issue at hand.


"Look at my feet."

"Look at your feet? Look at your feet. Okay... Well, if the direct approach isn't working, I guess I can try playing along. I'll look at your feet. Right. There are your feet. A perfectly normal pair of feet in a perfectly normal pair of shoes hovering three inches off the ground. Wait... uhm, Clark? Why aren't your feet touching the ground?"

"Because I'm floating, Lois. I told you- I'm Superman. I can do these things. Now do you believe me?"

"You're... Superman? Oh, my god. You're Superman."
Kaethel smile

- I'm your partner. I'm your friend.
- Is that what we are?
- Oh, you know what? I don't know what we are. We kiss and then we never talk about it. We nearly die frozen in each other's arms, but we never talk about it, so no, I got no clue what we are.

~ Rick Castle and Kate Beckett ~ Knockout ~