smile1 Reminiscing by Leigh Raglan.

Here's a revelation with a difference. smile

"Yes. I thought you were human. Humans are...a fragile and short-lived species. A single bullet to the chest and they just fall apart and DIE. I, on the other hand, wince and then get up and walk away. Here, help me up."

Clark, bemused, helped Lois sit up. Or a Lois who claimed not to be Lois.

"Clark, I'm an alien. More alien to humans than you are. An alien who thinks a bullet to the chest isn't much worse than a paper cut. Though it stings a bit more. What is the life expectancy of a human male? 70? 80 years? Clark, my people wait longer than that to get a drivers license!"

"Are you saying you're too old for me?" he asked.

"I'm saying I've been using Lois Lane's driver's license for over two years rather than wait for my own," she quickly backpedaled.
Tricia cool