Midnight Gambit, by ML Thompson, just posted to the archive.

Here's a quote from a very angsty and wonderful story:

'I'm writing this because I want to be the one to tell you. I'm not sure how to say this so I guess I should just tell you as simply and honestly as I can. Lois, I'm Superman.'


'I'm sorry I wasn't able to tell you in person. I guess I owe you some sort of explanation for that. I don't want you to think I didn't trust you. I could give you lots of reasons. I could tell you that I have never before told anyone. I could tell you that I was at a complete loss about how to tell you. I could point out the dangers to you if you knew. I could even tell you that I was afraid that you would be mad at me. All of that would be true.

'But none of those are the real reason. Lois, I've fallen as hard for you as you have for Superman. I guess the main reason I never told you is that I wanted you to fall in love with the real me - Clark - instead of the celebrity - Superman. If you are reading this letter, I guess that never happened.'

Lois let out a sob when, in a moment of absolute clarity, she realized just what her feelings were for Clark. She did love him. In fact, she had been in love with him for months. She was just too scared to admit it - even to herself. "It did happen, Clark," she said softly.

-- Roger

"The Constitution only gives people the right to pursue happiness. You have to catch it yourself." -- Benjamin Franklin