I got it wrong first, but now I know... just one of my many favourite ML Thompson fics, Out Of Time. I adore that one!!!

Okay, how about this one:

Lois, smelling a great story, even if it did harm the Planet in some way, eagerly unfolded the paper, her eyes falling on the front-page
story, the headline screaming out at her.


Underneath this, the article began:

< "Daily Planet reporter Clark Kent has admitted the secret he has kept safe since arriving in our city. Upon painstaking questioning by
government officials, Kent has admitted to being the alien who has been watching over Metropolis and the world for four years now. Some officials are claiming that Kent is dangerous to the well being of Earth. Mr. Kent is being held pending further investigation . . ." >

"An alien!" Lois gasped. "Perry, are you sure . . .?" Lois's voice trailed off as her eyes finally found the colour photos accompanying the paragraph. Two pictures were placed side by side - one of a gallant looking man with slicked back black hair and steadfast eyes. The other was of an ordinary looking man with soft hair falling over his forehead in a soft curl and glasses hiding kind brown eyes. The first picture was by far the more impressive one; but it was the second that made Lois give another sharp gasp.

As she stared at the man's countenance and examined those eyes, Lois could feel her heart rate accelerate and her hands begin to shake. Suddenly she couldn't keep her grip strong and dropped the paper back onto Perry's desk, causing the older man to look up in mild alarm.

"Are you all right, Lois?"

Lois barely heard him; she stared off into space, seeing only *him*. What was it about this Kent person that struck her as so important?
Why did she feel as if - as if -

"I *know* him," she whispered amazedly
Wendy smile

Just a fly-by! *waves*