Hey, cool! I just re-read this one last night. <g> It's from "I Will Always Love You" by ML Thompson. Great story!!!

New cluechie smile1 :
She'd seen him throw snowballs at the kids who were under the influence of
Schott's Greed Potion. She remembered seeing him take on four of the
orphans in a snowball fight with only Danielle to help him, and wipe
the floor with three of them (leaving the last, and biggest, one for
*her*), his every throw precise and devastating, yet so easy in its
execution... And she had this unforgettable mental picture of his
protecting the little girl by putting himself in the way of the boys'
first salvo of snowballs, his overcoat spread wide to cover her, just

Just like a *cape!*

'No...' She couldn't-- didn't *want* to believe it, but her mind
seized on that comparison and replayed her view of his initial
riposte to the boys' attack; when, in one smooth, flowing, continuous
movement, he'd reached down and whirled around, grabbing a handful of
snow as he turned, and launched it on its way towards one of
Danielle's tormentors. His overcoat had billowed out behind him as it
tried to catch up with the movement of his body and, for one
unforgettable moment, it hung in the winter air... exactly how
Superman's cape had flapped out behind him as he made his throw, only
seconds ago.

'Oh, my God... it's true... Superman... Clark is...'
Jill goofy

Beaker: Special Talents: Scientific assistant, Victim
Last Book Read: "1001 Meeps to a Bigger Vocabulary"
Quote: "Meep! Meep! Meep!"
Never Leaves Home Without: Medical Coverage