Lifeflight - An Elseworld Story - Part I by Raconteur.

Okay, here's another one:

"I know you've got your preconceived notion of who he is. We all do. But, just suppose he was living a normal life and only put on the costume because he needed a disguise to wear in emergencies."

"That's ridiculous. Why would Superman need a disguise?"

"Well, now stop and think about it. Imagine if you arrived on Earth and you had all these powers."


"No one else has them as far as you can tell. But fortunately, you do look exactly like the inhabitants of the planet. You could wear conventional clothing and no one would know."

Lois frowned. "That makes sense. So you think Superman is someone else, then. That when we don't see him he might walk about Metropolis like any normal guy?"

"Well think about it, Lois. He'd look like anyone, wouldn't he? He passed for a cop that time he helped your uncle down in the South Side.

Lois looked at Clark's dark suit. "He'd look like anyone," she repeated half to herself. "And you wouldn't notice his body in regular clothes." Lois then shook her head. "No, Clark, no. It wouldn't work. Even with clothes on somebody would be bound to recognize his face."

"Not necessarily. I've seen people who look a lot like someone else," Clark commented.

"Wait a minute, wait a minute. Did Superman tell you something?"

Clark shook his head.

She was thinking. "Well, he might change his appearance beyond his clothes. Comb his hair differently," Lois said slowly looking at Clark's face.

"Wear glasses?" he suggested helpfully.

Lois stared back at him and nearly gasped. She remembered noticing the resemblance before after she had been sprayed by Miranda's pheromone compound. She shook her head. That was ridiculous.

"So you think he lives among us like one of us then, Clark?"

"And why not? Why couldn't Superman have arrived here and been brought up and raised as somebody's son, lived a normal life, gradually getting powers as he grew older so that by adulthood he had all his powers. Then he travels the world trying to figure out who he is and how he can fit into the scheme of things. Except for his parents, he's all alone with this incredible secret he dare not tell anyone about. He doesn't fit in." Clark paused before using some of her own words, "He's a strange one, a bit weird."

Lois looked up and stared at him. Remembering.