Superman refused to leave Lois’s apartment until she and Luthor had left for brunch.
He should trust that she will be safe at her place. Luthor is not that unethical.

he had no way to get his driver’s license replaced without forgery,
Couldn't he show the birth certificate for the Clark in this dimension. It would help a lot to have a state ID.

It wasn’t as if he needed to drive anywhere or take taxis.
But not having an ID can be very problematic.

He was thankful the Kents had invited him to dinner Sunday night.
frown more ways for his to not see Lois.

Finally, Clark decided that since Superman had broken Lois’s window, it would have to be the Superman Foundation that paid for the repairs.
I guess this makes sense but it seems border-line misuse of funds to use it to fix his girlfriends apartment.

If he kept making mistakes as he had that morning, he might as well buy himself a set of tools to keep at his apartment.
Or maybe he should just move in with Lois so next time there will be no walls to stop him.

He hadn’t thought, merely reacted.
The situation does make sense with that explanation.

He was surprised that she didn’t see what he had. Purple was a combination of red and blue, the very colors of his uniform.
It was to real to her to consider the hidden meanings.

Octopus was her codeword for “help Superman”. Lois might not want a protector, but her subconscious clearly did, and a very specific protector at that.
Hmm, although if this is what actually happened, then maybe it was the use of octopus to start with that was subconscious.

especially with her enthusiasm at Superman existence.
I think that should be "Superman's existence".

He hadn’t wanted to encourage such behavior as she had told Clark that there would never be anything between her and Superman.
Well, since she does know that CK=SM, he really does not have to worry about that. Although since he does not know it, he still does.

Did she know that it thrilled him to no end that she both loved his super side and dreamed of marrying his Clark side?
Lois:Mostly. He might even be more glad if he knew I know they are just sides, and not different people.

Had the guilt from kissing Superman on Impact Day faded?
Mostly, especially when she forgets that he does not know she knows.

However, Lois seemed to have no difficulty in repeating that action.
One of them really needs to tell the other.

Yet, she had practically swooned while recalling making love to Clark in her dream.
If he does not tell Lois soon he might figure out she knows. Although none of her actions clearly point that way, at least if you start by assuming she does not know.

He wondered about her dream. It seemed overly detailed.
I am glad he notices that. Although clearly some of it was fully a dream.

She seemed only to remember those semi-psychic dreams she had… although, perhaps those were the only ones which she recounted to him.
To really understand it he would have to do indepth interviews with her about her dreams, which she might not be willing to do.

He knew he had plenty of dreams of her, only one of which he had ever mentioned to some extent.
Although since he is Superman his ability to remember his dreams might not be relevant at all.

Could she have been recalling the great disaster that ended her world?
2 points for Clark.

No, according to Herb, this Lois hadn’t ended up with Luthor.
But maybe Herb did not know as much as he thought.

Then again, could Herb have not counted Lois being Luthor’s prisoner as ‘ending up with him’?
From what Herb did know it seems that he was using the term to mean "in a relationship".

No, Clark couldn’t believe that Luthor died by being extricated from a helicopter by a large octopus while Metropolis was flooding.
It is a bit far fetched. ALthough, I guess that is mainly just a reflection of "Just Say Noah". Although it is possible that even with out SM Smiley's plan would have failed, but once it exists nothing really seems far fetched.

That was too fantastical for reality, even a reality where there was a man who flew.
But the world crashing reality is one that lacks a flying man. That is why Lois was put away (although Clark has never really been told that detail).

Lois still hadn’t returned home when Clark had completed the finishing touches on his repairs.
frown I was hoping they would get a chance to really talk.

Even if he wished to do nothing more than wait for her return, he knew that she wouldn’t be pleased at this seeming untrusting action.
He could hang out in the sky and see her from afar, and just happen to walk by as Clark.

Although she had whispered to him while in her shower that they needed to talk.
So she won't be mad if he stays around.

Luthor had noticed his intense expression of concentration and asked if Superman would turn his back towards Lois’s bedroom, so that Luthor would know that he wasn’t peering through the walls at her while in the shower.
This almost seems incriminating evidence against Luthor, although I can see why Clark does not try to use it, after Lois getting mad at him for trying to blame Luthor one too many times.

Clark hated feeling envy for Luthor. He remembered that supersonic watch that Jimmy had while they were in Smallville, and wondered if he could buy one for Lois to replace the watch she had lost in the robbery.
Actually, it just might work. As long as he was willing to actually stop hovering.

He smiled, liking the idea. Now, if Superman could only convince Lois to wear such a watch without her throwing it into his or Clark’s face.
True, she might get mad about it. But wonldn't it allow him to trust her more?

Lois came in early to the newsroom on Monday morning.
frown she never got to talk with Superman about what she learned. She needs to set up regular meeting times with him.

Lex’s interruption of her discussion with Superman the previous morning had upset her.
smile1 Good that she does not like Luthor barging in.

Had Clark been on the verge of revealing to her his secret?
Obviously, although he was stalling. If he had just said it all in one breath he would have beat Luthor's knock.

Superman certainly seemed as if he were about to kiss her, which she knew she shouldn’t have encouraged, but she had started it by kissing him first.
Under the circumstances her actions seem reasonable, and not really deceptive. Although maybe she should have said "Superman, I know your Clark", instead of saying it was not them who got married. I can see why she didn't, but wish she had.

John Pack Lambert