Clark could give her things, anything she wanted from anywhere in the world, and give it to her within seconds, and with all of his heart.
I guess the way Luthor said it it really did not sound like information to anyone but Lois.

‘Son, if a girl isn’t interested in you without you having to buy her love, then she isn’t a girl worth pursuing.’
Clearly he is still hurt by how Lana treated him.

Then he remembered that he already had Lois’s love for free.
grumble Luthor is all over the place in this sotry. grumble

If only Luthor hadn’t have showed up.
I think this would work better "hadn't showed up." It just seems a bit awkward with the have in there.

Luthor kissed her cheek. “Take your time, my dear. I don’t mind waiting.”
Which is why he came right over when she did not answer his phone call?

Lois headed towards her bedroom, stopped, and turned back around. Her eyes met and held Superman’s. “Thank you.”
hyper she is thanking him.

Luthor made an overt look at the damage. “Perhaps you should come with a warning label, Superman. Do you often burst into women’s apartments? Should I have an all points bulletin issued on LNN?”
So far Lois having a pretend relationship with Luthor has just opened Superman up to more ridicule.

“So, you say. She could have been screaming it in passion,” Luthor responded.
Considering how she reacted to seeing Superman, no, not at all.

“Temper, temper, Superman. You wouldn’t want to have to buy Lois a new broom as well, would you?” Luthor taunted. “The fact is you and I both know she can never have the kind of relationship she wants with you. We both know I can give her everything she could ever want in life.”
I really dislike Luthor.

Clark couldn’t be intimate with her, or marry her, and she would never be able to bear his children,
whinging that he thinks this.

but he knew a platonic love with Clark would be a better life than Luthor could ever give her.
This is true, but I hope Lois lied about the hospital.

In his gut, Clark knew that someday it would come to that, and Lois would want a real love that a non-evil man could give her and he would have to let her go.
Even if she can't convince him that the curse is false, I don't see her ever being able to leave him.

For now, this was a non-worry, he told himself. Lois would never fall for Luthor’s charms.
I am so glad that it appears he is right, at least for this go around. S

he loved Clark and that was all there was to it.

For now.
I wish he had more hope.

John Pack Lambert