True. But catching Superman takes planning. Picking out a regular guy just access to a bunch of medical files.
True, again, but you can't be a psycho millionaire if you do things the easy or smart way. "I'm going to dangle you over this crocodile pit on a rope, which will slowly lower you down by burning it through with this candle. You will be completely unguarded though, because 'King of Thrones' is on. Ta-Ta." Or how about the better known... "I'll clone Lois and kidnap her on her wedding day to that Clark jerk, leaving him the clone in her place. Then I'll transplant our souls into these more viable clones so no one can ever find us!"

Darn it. Then why does it have a label 'Latest version - pick me' stuck on it?

Huh, nothing over there...

More like, if she denies it too much, it's a surefire way to make it come true.
Oh, I see.... um... well... nothing to see here... keep moving...

/shrugs adorably/ With Clark not there to be an epitome of morals in highschool, all those fallen girls now need a profession?
Yes, but the Kents are still there... they are the real moral barometer for Smallville.

Oh, and actually the body count is now back to 6. You didn't kill Heidi since she didn't see anything this time around.
What!? My BC goes down when someone doesn't die?! That's... That's not part of my evil plan! [Linked Image]

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.