This part was just chock-full of hilarious bits. I wish I could quote them all.
Thank you! Go right ahead... quote away, IolantheAlias, I don't mind. laugh

Yes, that line of Jimmy's about 'failing' the island as a romantic destination is an oldie but a goodie. wink

And the sad thing is that, this is probably a normal day in the life of Lois Lane.
Has anyone ever written a story where Lois freaks out because she has a "normal" day where nothing insane, crazy, or deadly happens to her? Hmmmm. Tank? Nah, she'd probably end up at her desk, muttering to herself, and cutting off her hair with her scissors. [Linked Image]

Laughing my way through this part. Well done!
Okay, I added that line about Jimmy in just in case Tank (or anyone else)started to hyperventilate because Jimmy's part suddenly grew larger in the story and they were worried that Jimmy would replace Dan as Lois' new beau. (Oh, the things we do to please our readers. laugh )

That's why I always rolled my eyes at certain parts of the "Smallville" TV show, (filmed in Vancouver) where Metropolis was officially in Kansas, an unspecified distance from the Kent Farm. I giggled when they talked about stuff happening on "the docks", or when they showed seaport-y stuff in the FREAKIN' MIDDLE OF KANSAS!
Smallville is in Kansas, but I believe the Metropolis of Smallville is 3 hours away (180 miles) in state of New Troy (doesn't Lana's football playing boyfriend - not the first one, the second one... and Lois Lane both go to New Troy U in Metropolis?)

And let's not even talk about the mountains you could sometimes see in the background. Because we all know that Kansas is very mountainous.
It is my understanding from reading the "Little House on the Prairie" books last year ( wink research) that Kansas doesn't get more mountainous than "hills". But then again, I'm a mountain gal who believes anything east of the Rockies are hills. laugh (This applies only to the continental USA. They have some very nice mountains in Switzerland.)

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.