I am *really* enjoying this story. Today's post was a riot; I was laughing through the whole thing (even the break-up with Dan, mean as that sounds.) I think my favorite part, though, was this:
“I’m drug free. I eat well. I exercise. My body is in top condition,” Jimmy bragged with some embellishment.

“No, he’s not. Jimmy lives on pizza and junk food. He gets winded running down the block…”

“Lois,” Jimmy groaned, shooting her a pleading look.

“I think you should also know, this man is insane,” she told Spencer.

“Lois!” her partner scolded her.

“That really doesn’t matter, honey. I’m not going to need his head,” Spencer reminded her. “How old are you, kid?” he questioned Jimmy.

“What?” the young photographer exclaimed with a frightened glance at Lois. “What did he mean by that?”

“Jimmy,” Lois warned.

“How old are you?” Spencer repeated to the young man, taking another look at him. “And take off your shirt.” He glanced over at Lois. “Your other boyfriend is what thirty? Older?”

“I’m twenty-two.” Jimmy slowly started to unbutton his shirt and murmured to Lois under his breath, “What does he want exactly?”

“Your body,” Lois murmured back with a head bob towards the picture behind Spencer. “Literally.”

Her partner’s eyes popped wide open as his hands went up defensibly. “Well, you caught me, Spencer. It’s just like she said. I use drugs all the time. If it isn’t prepackaged and full of chemicals, I don’t eat it. I never exercise. I have heartburn and diabetes. The doctors have given me six months to live.”
Lol. I think it is very clever the changes you make as you write Clark out of these stories. Well, I guess those aren't quite the words I want. He's not out of the story, he's just been moved to the inside of Lois's head. Anyway, well done. clap

One little thing, though, that didn't ring true for me... In a small town like Smallville, if someone turns up looking for a friend named "Kent," I'm thinking it highly unlikely Maisie (or anyone else in town) would say they didn't know anyone named Kent. It seems to me, the most reasonable thing is that they would immediately assume the person was looking for one of the Kents. (ESPECIALLY if, as I'm assuming - although I could be wrong here - the family currently under discussion - i.e., the owners of the working farm resort - are the Kents.)

"Hold on, my friends, to the Constitution and to the Republic for which it stands. Miracles do not cluster and what has happened once in 6,000 years, may not happen again. Hold on to the Constitution" - Daniel Webster