wave Michael!

Nope, it’s that of her new husband. It’s an arranged marriage.
Er... Um... Wrong fic... oh, you mean alt-Clark finally arrived. clap Yep, that sounds about right!

He actually planned this one?
He planned the Superman kidnapping as well. It wasn't like he got access to InstantSuperProtrait.com

Wouldn’t it have been easier to hire a male porn star?
Yes, but looking for a cleaner body.

Is she going to mention to Spencer boy that it was he himself who thwarted his plan?
Oooh. That would have been good. Maybe I'll have to add something for the Archive Version.

Problem is, with Jimmy’s body, said spunk might cause permanent damage to said body.
Constant dry heaves?

Jimmy: “My man Spencer wants me to be *his* man? I *can’t* believe he’s gay!”
I wonder why he produces a titty magazine then? Of course, he does Metropolis Madame Monthly too, doesn't he?

Really, Clark? Isn’t that kind of an insensitive thing to say? Also, I believe you enjoyed being married to a former sex slave very much. True, she was unspoiled, but still…
Sorry, he died before S4 and doesn't know that Lois likes leashes.

You know, if even the aliens from Mars Attacks didn’t manage to do the body transplant properly, why does an earthbound quack think he can do better?
<<coughing>> agree with you <<coughing>>

Oooooh! I can’t believe I was right! Umm…do you want your backup harddisk back?
Nah, go ahead and keep it. I think you've got an earlier version of the story, anyway. wink

The sex slaves are nice to look at but the service is horrid and I didn’t get serviced.
clap dizzy

He wonders what drugs Jimmy got his hands on?
Well, he's quazi-friends with a DEA agent...

Poor Lois. So young and already widowed.
Does it still count as widowed if you kill your own hubby?

Just for kicks, that wasn’t on the show in “Dad”, was it?
Not that I can recall.

Ever since Jenna blew up, Dan’s taste’s been a tad strange?
Fine! Blame it on the dead girlfriend... Oh, maybe THAT's why he skipped out on Lois, it was Jena's idea! [Linked Image]

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.