Preview of 33

Last night, after an hour with Lois, Clark had forced himself to return to his unit. Being with her after the factory fire had been incredible, but he didn't want to slip into the habit of staying overnight with her - even assuming she would want that.

His feet were racing again, and Clark deliberately slowed his pace. Then, he heard her heartbeat - pounding fiercely - and her running footsteps.

Clark dashed the length of the street and turned the corner.

Lois saw him, quickly closed the distance between them, and flew into his arms. His brief glance had been enough to reassure him that she was smiling. Whatever had precipitated her haste, it wasn't anything negative.

As he held her, he could feel the excitement jigging through her. She backed away and landed an energetic kiss on his mouth.

"Guess what?" she said, executing little jumps of enthusiasm as she spoke.

"What?" he said, grinning widely.

"The sleeping giant has finally stirred, and the Hawthorn faithful are making their move."
FDK goes here.

