Hi Corrina,

I loved the interview. My favorite part was Lois's handling of this:
"I was working, and I was accosted by a group of youths. Superman stepped in to ensure that I wasn't hurt."

"How chivalrous," Linda commented.
The absolute truth but told in a situation that clearly suggests a very different incident. Wonderful!!!
And this:
For the first time, Mayson smiled - a cruel, triumphant smirk. "Have you consummated this relationship?"

Clark felt as if the colour from his cape had leapt to his face and congealed there. Before he had begun to formulate a reply, Lois answered.

"What do you think?" she said. She gestured towards Clark, managing to encompass most of his body. "If your boyfriend looked like this ..."
In fact this whole section was absolutely great.

I'm sure Mayson noticed that he never answered the Green K question, but it went as well as can be expected.

I still see trouble ahead. I hope it won't be too bad.