I'm going to duplicate some other's comments.
Clark strode to the nearest chair and seated Lois. He stood behind her - one hand resting on her shoulder - and waited for the two reporters to determine their next move.
I loved how Clark preempted the situation and the chivalrous way he seated Lois first. Way to take charge, Clark!
Clark took a moment before replying, wanting to slow down the volley of questions. Mayson and Linda were like two lionesses fighting over a scrap of meat. "To my knowledge, none of them survived."
Great description of their attitude. At least Linda seemed more rational.
"Because the actions of Jason Trask indicated that my desire to remain anonymous had possibly contributed to widespread suspicion of my intentions."
Good, succinct explanation.
Clark felt as if the colour from his cape had leapt to his face and congealed there. Before he had begun to formulate a reply, Lois answered.
Awesome imagery!!!
Clark felt as if he was within a few degrees of disintegrating into a slither of blue and red goo and slipping off his chair into a blob of mortification. If he got out of this without melting his hair gel, that would be a bonus.
rotflol rotflol rotflol
He was particularly mortified in front of Mayson, I think, because she had chased after him so mercilessly.
This was a really great part. I can't wait for more.

History is easy once you've lived it. - Duncan MacLeod
Writing history is easy once you've lived it. - Artemis