
I had as much fun reading this:
BWAH-HA-HA-HAH! (*villainous laugh*) No one is safe from my evil machinations! BWAH-HA-HA-HAH!
as I did writing my response. I really did enjoy the story once I got used to the idea. I just have an unusually low "Aieee! Run away!" threshold.

I had wondered about the fruit also. It seemed to me that to have a logically consistent universe, you would have to have a "conservation of life-energy" rule. I just figured that this was accounted for in Pushing Daisies and was explained as part of the show. Even though this is a minor point, I think I would find that irritating. I mean, it seems that they make a big deal out of conservation of animal-life-energy. How can you do that and ignore conservation of plant-life-energy?
