This was wonderful. I'm so glad I wasn't online in time to read the first part and then have to wait for the second. While I'm familiar enough with the premise of Pushing Daisies to assume Ned would revive Lois, I still don't think I could have dealt with the suspense.

While I'm familiar with the premise of Pushing Daisies, I'm not a viewer, so I was surprised by Ned telling Clark no when asked/ordered to revive Lois, but you did a good job of showing Ned's reluctance to use his gift in a way that might have negative consequences. It really showcased how much he has in common with Clark.

It is too bad that Clark and Ned can't continue to be friends - I imagine that it would be nice to be friends with someone who totally understands the pressures of living with a gift like these, but I love the LnC stuff. Lois reaction to Clark was sweet and you made it completely believable that she would react without anger to the realization that Clark was Superman.