This was really good. I normally dislike cross-overs because I can't figure out who anyone is and what their relationships and backstories are. You completely avoided that by keeping us in Clark's first person perspective, so we learned everything as he did. I'm so thankful that I didn't read the first part until the second part was up because I don't think I could have stood waiting overnight while Lois was dead in Clark's arms.

As soon as I realized what the conditions for bringing her back from the dead were, I expected Clark to offer himself for Lois. However, I didn't expect him to actually die. I was kind of picturing something like in BY, where he staggers but comes back okay, so the pain in his chest and everything caught me by surprise.

I loved Clark's internal monologue. It was long enough to give the reader some interesting insights, but not so long that we ever lost track of what was happening in the world around him. Nice balancing act.

I'm glad you explained what was up with all the rotten fruit at the Pie Hole. And I loved the way you described Clark's reaction to spooning with Lois and their ensuing conversation. wink

Really good story. I look forward to more from you.

Sheila Harper
Hopeless fan of a timeless love story